Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.
Mother Teresa
The attorneys at Tejada Lacayo, P.A. understand that time is your most valuable resource. No matter your wealth or sophistication, you cannot ultimately harness more than that which you will be given. We believe that good legal counsel saves you time and resources. Tejada Lacayo, P.A. focuses on providing you high quality legal work designed to minimize the likelihood that the future will be spent dealing with issues that should have been addressed today. We make it a priority to carefully listen to you and develop a strategy that not only solves a problem, but fits into the broader fabric of your goals, your business, and ambitions. The attorneys at Tejada Lacayo, P.A. will partner with you to provide solutions to the problems of today, and assistance to realize the opportunities of tomorrow.
In selecting counsel you have many options. Some attorneys promise the lowest cost, others, quite the opposite. The attorneys at Tejada Lacayo, P.A. seek to provide value. Value in the crudest terms is the same as efficiency: cost divided by results. When considering the value of legal counsel, one must consider not only the fee you pay for the services you receive, but the time and other resources spent seeking the result, and the long run benefits the right strategy can provide.
At Tejada Lacayo, P.A. we design and execute comprehensive, high value strategies tailored to resolve your disputes and close your legal transactions. We execute our work with the utmost care and attention to detail, with a focus on quality research and investigation, early in the process. While no attorney can promise a particular result in any matter, whether your cause requires representation in state or federal court, arbitration, an appellate court, a government agency, or just over coffee, we seek to minimize your costs and maximize your results.